Home > Guide > Dragon Nest Full Support Priest and Cleric Guide
Dragon Nest Full Support Priest and Cleric Guide
Posted on Friday, October 21, 2011 by Le
This training is strictly for players who want to play the role of a "dancer of a survey" priest known, either during or Dungeons PVP. Also this is only a guide and would not recommend anyone to do exactly what I did, but something to consider when building your own unique character!
** Also, apparently there is a patch DN and I can not log-on hours .. so I'm bored ... OH YES .. hella and to raise the level cap in this patch I will try my best to change this structure to a level 40 build, if
'Nough with the introduction, here is the crux of my generation:
Full Support Priest - The Exotic Poll Dancer!
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Dragon Nest Cleric Guide |
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Dragon Nest Priest Guide |
In this section I will explain why I chose these skills! As you all know, CN maximum limit is 32 (yet)! so this guide is for those playing Dragon Nest CN: P no hard feelings for all other ~ For simplicity I will divide the responsibilities into two categories: offensive and support
The reason I also added offensive skills is because for the most part you will be stuck in the dungeons of most of the time and reality "healthy" does not make much difference to at least lv 22 +, cases ran very fast and most of the healing is usually in charge of the food falls or necessary, as long as you're doing something safe, not as single gap or something, but even then, healthy habit , as much of the difference to reach its polls> = D
First I will present the Skill of support:
I. Supportive Skills
a. Heal(C) -lv10- AOE HEAL, Recovers 3.0/3.6/4.2/4.8/5.6% of HP instantly and 1.0/1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8% of HP per second for 11 seconds. AOE of 2m radius, its AOE radius is neither big or small, its just enough.
Leave at 4 or 3 depending on your style. CD is 45 seconds.
b. Protection Shell (P) -lv18- AOE BUFF, Physical Defense Buff, lv1 gives you 10% + 30 physical defense boost.
It is pretty useful in dungeons with a duration of 1 minute while the cool down is only 10 seconds, it can always be recasted. AOE is bigger than heal, although I'm not sure exactly how big the AOE is, I'd assume about 4m 4 or leave at 3, for various styles.
c. Striking (P) -lv27- AOE BUFF, this buff is much more popular, increases physical damage AND magical damage by a percentage.
Leave at 3 for Supportive purposes .
d. Relic of Heal (P) -lv24- Ah finally what Priests are known for! their mighty poles! This one lasts 15seconds heals 2.5% every 2 seconds for 15 seconds at level 1.
As you increase skill level the healing % goes up but everything stays same.
Cool down is 60seconds slightly longer than heal.
e. Relic of Cure (p) -lv32- Our most sacred poll yet! or at least that's what the skill tree tells us :O.
This can fall on the offensive skill side, BUT it does cure us, it relives of one status effect while sending light damage to monsters around you! The exact details on the damage amount seems to be quite ambiguous but hey, its another poll!! must max! well that being said, the most we can get for this is lv1 since its a lv 32 skil.
II. Offensive Skills
Really. choosing the offensive skill tree could seem a bit "hybrid" but its really not, there isnt much more SP to spend on with the level cap at 32(yet), and instead of investing into chain lighting, why not invest into the cooler skills, I mean we already got the polls..a. Holy Bolt (C) -lv8- It sends a yellow bolt that eventually expends on impact to do an AOE Damage/Bind on the enemies. The bind time is known to increase just slightly with skill level but its assumed around 1.6 seconds. Very useful for combining with Holy Cross our offensive skill. Oh and the damage isnt bad as well. Take it to lv 4 to unlock Grand Cross.
b. Change Bolt (c) -lv3- We need this skill at lv 3 to move on to our priest skills. Well with that being said, the skill itself isnt all that bad.
To get the most damage out of it though is to use it directly above or below an enemy so they get hit by ALL the bolts whether they may be knocked on the floor or flying over you.
c. Grand Cross (P) - lv21- Its more like a Grand X, but anyways this is a very powerful offensive skill, its VERY useful in dungeons, it basically acts likea moving wall, so while pushing enemies with it, it is also attacking the hell out of them, you'll just see massive combos if used right.
d. Holy Bust (P) -lv32- Our offensive streak doesnt end YET, we have yet another awesome skill. This is a really big AOE skill, its just blows up everthing in a circular radius around you with unholy damage, but the cooldown is 60 seconds, but hey at least its insta cast.
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